
451 Frammenti Sonori – trasmissione d’indagine (?!) sulle musiche di confine e oltre. In diretta ogni mercoledì dalle 23.00 su Radio Città Fujiko.

451FrammentiSonori – Movies is Magic – 6 aprile 2016

Sunday, Mary 24, 1970: War filmed on Hollywood Blvd. This view of 100 soldiers and civilan victims sprawled amid bursting bombs startled residents along Hollywood Blvd. between Las Palmas and Cherokee Aves early on a Sunday morning. Scene was in a dream-war sequence for the movie Alex in Wonderland. The producer said it was the first time police allowed closing of Hollywood Blvd. for filmmaking. Photo by Don Cormier/Los Angeles Times. For From the Archives.

451Movies is Magic, immaginari in movimento. Per Futuri Rumori ospitiamo Alessandro Ragazzo.

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